"Entry Level Driver Training and Renting Trucks for CDL Testing"
3190 W 21st St. S #306
Tulsa, Ok 74107-3413
(918) 585-1323

3190 W 21 Street #306
Tulsa, Ok 74107
(next to the  Tulsa , Ok. CDL Testing site)

(918) 585-1323
fax (918) 585-5429

 email:  apluscdlrental@gmail.com

Do I need a CDL?

You are exempt if you are driving a recreation vehicle for personal use, military vehicles, emergency vehicles, farm vehicle (not used for hire or drive 150 miles from the farm), local government (used for snow and ice removal).

Click here for a chart on CDL requirements

Do I need to get a CDL Permit?
  • We now offer Entry Level Driver Training
  • If you do not have your permit by this date, you must obtain your ELDT certificate prior to obtaining your CDL.  If you already possess a CDL permit issued prior to February 7, 2022,  you can test for your CDL through our services.  Each permit holder is eligible for permit renewal, but you must renew prior to the permit expiring.  If you have had a CDL in the past, even if currently expired, you can use our services to obtain a new CDL.
Can you schedule the CDL Drive Test for me?

  • No, however when you are using a reantal truck for the CDL Test, you need have the truck reserved before you make the appointment for the drive test by calling (405) 425-2196, so call us first. (918) 585-1323
The following information will be needed.

  1. Full legal name as it appears on your drivers license.
  2. Your drivers license number and state.
  3. A phone number where you can be reached.
Do I need a DOT health card before taking the CDL road test?

Starting on January 30, 2012, when you:
  • Apply for a CDL;
  • Renew a CDL;
  • Apply for a higher class of CDL;
  • Apply for a new endorsement on a CDL; or
  • Transfer a CDL from another State
You will be required to self certify to a single type of commercial operation on your driver license application form. Based on that self certification, you may need to provide the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety with a current medical examiner's certificate and show any variance you may have to obtain or keep your CDL.

  • For more information or questions call the CDL Help Desk at (405) 425-2020
General Information
Medical Self-Certification Affidavit Form

Will I need an extra driver to bring me to the testing site?

  • No, our office and trucks are located next to CDL testing site in Tulsa. No need to leave your personal vehicle at an out of way location unprotected.
Can you teach me to drive or back a truck?

  • No, we are not a licensed as a truck driving school
What is the CDL Drive Test like?

  • You will be asked to perform a pre-trip inspection including an in cab air break test.
  • You will be asked to perform 3 backing maneuvers 100 ft back, either a drivers side or passenger side offset back, then on of these three backs 90 degree alley dock, or drivers side or passenger side dock (parallel park) the examiner will advise you which you are to perform at test time.
Click here to see examples of what is required*

Section 12 of the Oklahoma CDL Manual outlines what you will be scored on the drive test. A repetitive poor performance in any of these areas or a combination of poor performance can cause you to fail, (i.e. not keeping both hands on the wheel, or shifting in intersections), however; most people that do fail are for what are known as automatic failures,* which would be any violation of an Oklahoma Traffic Law, (i.e., speeding, failure to yield, running a stop sign or traffic light) other automatic failures can be for things like driving over a curb or sidewalk, becoming involved in a situation that would could cause an avoidable traffic accident. *

*Sections 11, 12, & 13 of the CDL Manual and Department of Public Safety Rules Title 595 Chapter 11 Subchapter 3 Section 595:3-7, 3-8, 3-9.

What if I fail?

Even though failure do occur from time to time. It is important to understand the CDL Drive Test is not an easy test and is designed to weed out unsafe drivers. Driving for 45 min. a lot can go wrong to even the best driver, look at it as learning experience within itself, try not to make the same mistakes twice, brush up on your defensive and safe driving skills, and practice the part that you failed before returning to re-test.

The examiner will critique your driving at the end of the testing, pass or fail; listen closely as you will need this information if you have to repeat the test.

If you do fail, before you leave the exam site make another appointment and we will reserve a truck for your next drive test.

What are the examiners like?

  • All of the examiners are employees of the Department of Public Safety and have attended CDL Training and are CDL licensed. They are some the nicest people we have had a pleasure of knowing. Remember they have a duty to perform in keeping our highways safe.   They have set guidelines to go by, that is governed by state and federal law.  They cannot give you a break or bend the rules for you, this is not an easy test and you should be prepared.  This test is to get a professional drivers license, the examiner will expect you to be able to operate the vehicle at a professional level.
  • What are some of the things I can do to get ready for the test?Practice, practice, practice, and more practice. (We do not offer training or rent vehicle for practice)  You will be asked to come in prior to you test and show us you can operate the vehicle safely.  If you have limited or no experience, I strongly suggest attending a professional truck driving school.  This test is to get a professional drivers license, the examiner will expect you to be able to operate the vehicle at a professional level.
Other things you can do are go to www.cdlrental/okcdltest.html to the sections Oklahoma Driving Quiz and Oklahoma Street Sign Game, these can refresh you on Oklahoma Traffic Laws and traffic control signs.        
Can I test for an Oklahoma CDL if I live in another state?

  • No, you must be a resident of Oklahoma.
Will they give the CDL Drive Test in the rain?        

  • Yes, they will give it in the rain and even in light snow. The only time they will not is when they feel the roadway is unsafe. Last year they did not cancel testing due weather. Remember in inclement weather to always drive with you headlights on!        
Are the CDL Testing process about to change?         

  • We now offer Entry Level Driver Training
  • If you do not have your permit by this date, you must obtain your ELDT certificate prior to obtaining your CDL.  If you already possess a CDL permit issued prior to February 7, 2022,  you can test for your CDL through our services.  Each permit holder is eligible for permit renewal, but you must renew prior to the permit expiring.  If you have had a CDL in the past, even if currently expired, you can use our services to obtain a new CDL.
Will my CDL still be good when the new the DOT regulations ?        

  • Yes, you will be grandfathered in and will not have to re-test.
How can I obtain a birth certificate?

You may obtain an Oklahoma Birth Certificate: 

Monday - Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

  • Tulsa Health Department
       James O. Goodwin Health Center
       5051 S. 129th East Ave
       Tulsa, OK

Writing to: Vital Records Service
  • Oklahoma State Department of Health 
      1000 Northeast 10th
       Oklahoma City, OK 73117
        (405) 271-4040

Cost $15.00

All other states click here!

If you have other questions please contact us by email at:

or call us at:

(918) 585-1323

Frequently Ask Questions
Frequently Ask Questions
for CDL Testing

Do I need a CDL?

You are exempt if you are driving a recreation vehicle for personal use, military vehicles, emergency vehicles, farm vehicle (not used for hire or drive 150 miles from the farm), local government (used for snow and ice removal).

Click here for a chart on CDL requirements

Do I need to get a CDL Permit?

Can you schedule the CDL Drive Test for me?

The following information will be needed.

  1. Full legal name as it appears on your drivers license.
  2. Your drivers license number and state.
  3. A phone number where you can be reached.
Do I need a DOT health card before taking the CDL road test?

Starting on January 30, 2012, when you:
You will be required to self certify to a single type of commercial operation on your driver license application form. Based on that self certification, you may need to provide the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety with a current medical examiner's certificate and show any variance you may have to obtain or keep your CDL.

General Information
Medical Self-Certification Affidavit Form

Will I need an extra driver to bring me to the testing site?

Can you teach me to drive or back a truck?

What is the CDL Drive Test like?

Click here to see examples of what is required*

Section 12 of the Oklahoma CDL Manual outlines what you will be scored on the drive test. A repetitive poor performance in any of these areas or a combination of poor performance can cause you to fail, (i.e. not keeping both hands on the wheel, or shifting in intersections), however; most people that do fail are for what are known as automatic failures,* which would be any violation of an Oklahoma Traffic Law, (i.e., speeding, failure to yield, running a stop sign or traffic light) other automatic failures can be for things like driving over a curb or sidewalk, becoming involved in a situation that would could cause an avoidable traffic accident. *

*Sections 11, 12, & 13 of the CDL Manual and Department of Public Safety Rules Title 595 Chapter 11 Subchapter 3 Section 595:3-7, 3-8, 3-9.

What if I fail?

Even though failure do occur from time to time. It is important to understand the CDL Drive Test is not an easy test and is designed to weed out unsafe drivers. Driving for 45 min. a lot can go wrong to even the best driver, look at it as learning experience within itself, try not to make the same mistakes twice, brush up on your defensive and safe driving skills, and practice the part that you failed before returning to re-test.

The examiner will critique your driving at the end of the testing, pass or fail; listen closely as you will need this information if you have to repeat the test.

If you do fail, before you leave the exam site make another appointment and we will reserve a truck for your next drive test.

What are the examiners like?

Other things you can do are go to www.cdlrental/okcdltest.html to the sections Oklahoma Driving Quiz and Oklahoma Street Sign Game, these can refresh you on Oklahoma Traffic Laws and traffic control signs.        
Can I test for an Oklahoma CDL if I live in another state?

Will they give the CDL Drive Test in the rain?        

Are the CDL Testing process about to change?         

Will my CDL still be good when the new the DOT regulations ?        

How can I obtain a birth certificate?

You may obtain an Oklahoma Birth Certificate: 

Monday - Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

       James O. Goodwin Health Center
       5051 S. 129th East Ave
       Tulsa, OK

Writing to: Vital Records Service
      1000 Northeast 10th
       Oklahoma City, OK 73117
        (405) 271-4040

Cost $15.00

All other states click here!

If you have other questions please contact us by email at:

or call us at:

(918) 585-1323

If you have other questions please contact us by email at:

or call us at:

(918) 585-1323